ID |
Journals/ ISSN / Publisher Name / Indexed in (WoS, SOI, Scopus, DOI) |
Impact Factor |
7797 |
Journal of Clinical Advances and Research Reviews
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7798 |
International Journal of Social Sciences Bulletin
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7799 |
Journal of Media Horizons [JMH]
eISSN 2710-4060 pISSN 2710-4052 Institute for Excellence in Education and Research (IEER)
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7800 |
Frontier in Medical & Health Research
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7801 |
International Journal of Business Insights
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7802 |
Muhasebe ve Finans Uygulamaları Dergisi / Journal of Accounting and Finance Applications
eISSN 3023-7351 Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Kütahya Faculty of Applied Science
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7803 |
Journal of Eurasian Economies
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7804 |
les cahiers du CARESFI, série sciences naturelles et appliquées
eISSN 2756-7397 pISSN 2756-7397 Les cahiers du CARESFI, séries sciences naturelles et appliquées
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7805 |
les cahiers du CARESFI, série sciences humaines, sociales et lettres
eISSN 2756-7648 pISSN 2756-7648 Les cahiers du CARESFI, séries sciences de la Santé
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7806 |
les cahiers du CARESFI, série sciences humaines, sociales et lettres
eISSN 2756-7389 les Cahiers du CARESFI, séries sciences humaines, sociales et lettres
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7807 |
Les cahiers du CARESFI, séries sciences des activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS)
eISSN 2756-763X Les Cahiers du CARESFI, séries sciences des activités Physiques et Sportives(STAPS)
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7808 |
International Journal of Social Science and Community Service
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7809 |
Journal of International Accounting, Taxation and Information Systems
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7810 |
International Journal of Research Development and Technology
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7811 |
Punjab Culture
eISSN 2789-4552 pISSN 2789-4444 Institute of Punjabi & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore (Pakistan)
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7812 |
GAS Journal of Economics and Business Management (GASJEBM)
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7813 |
The Insight
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7814 |
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7815 |
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7816 |
Journal of Current Social Issues Studies
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