ID |
Journals/ ISSN / Publisher Name |
Indexed in |
Impact Factor |
WoS |
Scopus |
209 |
Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences
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221 |
Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science
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240 |
Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science
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242 |
Online international Journal of Medical and Social Sciencesnline international Journal of Medical and Social Sciences
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272 |
North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
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275 |
International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences
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315 |
International Journal of Medical Research Professionals
pISSN 2454-6356
eISSN 2454-6364
Dr.Rohin garg, Assistant Prof. Dept. of Anatomy, Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College &Research Cent
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398 |
The New Indian Journal of OBGYN (Formerly The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Barpeta)
pISSN 2554-2334
eISSN 2454-2342
Barpeta Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society
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640 |
International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research (IABCR)
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650 |
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745 |
International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences
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806 |
International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR)
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809 |
Journal of Biological and Chemical Chronicles
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824 |
Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini is an International multidisciplinary e-Journal
eISSN 2454-8367
Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini is an International multidisciplinary e-Journal
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852 |
Global English-Oriented Research Journal (GEORJ)
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853 |
The Achievers Journal
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865 |
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938 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications
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951 |
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research (IRJEIS)
pISSN 2454-2261
eISSN 2454-2261
IJCU (International Journal of College & University)
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956 |
International Journal of Surgical Cases
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1038 |
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS)
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1040 |
Indo - Asian Journal of Multidiscipilinary Research (IAJMR)
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1041 |
Life Science Archives (LSA)
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1165 |
International Journal of Advanced Information in Engineering and Technology
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1166 |
International Journal of Advanced Information in Arts Science and Management
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1185 |
South Asian Journal of food technology and Environment
pISSN 2394-5168
eISSN 2454-6445
Society for World Environment, Food and Technology (SWEFT)
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1197 |
Sahitya Samhita
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1262 |
The Research Journal (TRJ)
pISSN 2454-7301
eISSN 2454-4930
International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), India
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1271 |
World journal of pharmaceutical and life sciences
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1273 |
World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
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1283 |
Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
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1284 |
Hepatoma Research
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1298 |
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1314 |
Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior
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1321 |
Indian Journal of Research in Anthropology
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1325 |
International Journal of Pediatric Nursing
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1329 |
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery
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1330 |
Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
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1331 |
Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health
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1332 |
Journal of Orthopaedic Education
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1337 |
Ophthalmology and Allied Sciences
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1382 |
International Journal of Agricultural and Life Sciences
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1407 |
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1409 |
Journal on Recent Advances in Pain
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1490 |
International Journal of Humanities , Arts, Medicine and Sciences ( BEST : IJHAMS );
pISSN 2348-052X
eISSN 2454-4728
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
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1714 |
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1956 |
Mahila Pratishtha
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2004 |
International Research Journal of India
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2006 |
Recent Advances in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
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2007 |
International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine
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2018 |
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2023 |
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2048 |
Indian Journal of Extension Education
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2083 |
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
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2097 |
Journal of Biofuels and Bioenergy
pISSN 2454-860X
eISSN 2454-8618
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy
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2101 |
Journal of Teacher Education and Research
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2102 |
Motifs : An International Journal of English Studies
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2121 |
Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy
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2123 |
Invertis Journal of Science & Technology
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2217 |
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2320 |
International Journal of Advance in Scientific Research and Engineering
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2321 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology
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2329 |
Journal of Marine Biosicences
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2454 |
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif
pISSN 2087-9849
eISSN 2550-1313
Unit Database dan Publikasi Ilmiah, FKIP Universitas Lampung
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2593 |
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2731 |
SAS Journal of Medicine
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2732 |
SAS Journal of Surgery
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2795 |
International Journal of Information Technology
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2914 |
EPH - International Journal of Science And Engineering
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3351 |
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3483 |
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health
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3497 |
Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences
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3825 |
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3907 |
International Journal of Research in Advanced Computer Science Engineering (IJRACSE)
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4604 |
International Journal of Zoological Investigations
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5823 |
Global Research Review in Business and Economics
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7721 |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering
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