ID |
Journals/ ISSN / Publisher Name |
Indexed in |
Impact Factor |
WoS |
Scopus |
3025 |
Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy
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6765 |
Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR)
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6781 |
Siber International Journal of Sport Education
pISSN 3025-3659
eISSN 3025-3667
Siber Nusantara Review & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER)
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6798 |
Dinasti Information and Technology
pISSN 3025-5481
eISSN 3025-5481
Dinasti Research & Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (DINASTI)
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6799 |
Dinasti Accounting Review
pISSN 3025-4922
eISSN 3025-4922
Dinasti Research & Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (DINASTI)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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6800 |
Dinasti Health and Pharmacy Science
pISSN 3025-2326
eISSN 3025-2326
Dinasti Research & Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (DINASTI)
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6816 |
The Economic Review of Pesantren
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6820 |
Islamic Marketing Review
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7273 |
International Journal of Sustainable Applied Sciences
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7289 |
International Journal of Applied and Scientific Research
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7477 |
International Journal of Sustainability in Research
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7481 |
International Journal of Educational Technology Research
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7482 |
International Journal of Economic, Finance and Business Statistics
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7483 |
International Journal of Management and Business Intelligence
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7485 |
International Journal of Natural and Health Sciences
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7559 |
JAWI : Journal of Ahkam Wa Iqtishad
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7560 |
JAAMTER : Jurnal Audit Akuntansi Manajemen Terintegrasi
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7872 |
Danadyaksa: Post Modern Economy Journal
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