ID |
Journals/ ISSN / Publisher Name |
Indexed in |
Impact Factor |
WoS |
Scopus |
3047 |
Caucasian Journal of Science
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7288 |
Primera Educatia Mandalika: Elementary Education Journal
pISSN 3047-3063
eISSN 3047-5929
Magister Pendidikan Dasar - FKIP - Universitas Mataram
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7379 |
Majalah Pengabdian Indonesia
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7380 |
Perkembangan Kajian Sosial
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7381 |
MEKONGGA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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7382 |
Jurnal Media Informasi Teknologi
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7569 |
International Journal of Contemporary Sciences
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7621 |
Scholars: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan
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7700 |
Kajian Pendidikan, Seni, Budaya, Sosial dan Lingkungan
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7808 |
International Journal of Social Science and Community Service
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