ID |
Journals/ ISSN / Publisher Name |
Indexed in |
Impact Factor |
WoS |
Scopus |
1 |
Theoretical & Applied Science
pISSN 2308-4944
eISSN 2409-0085
International Academy of Theoretical & Applied Sciences
8.100 (2024) 8.502 (2023) 8.771 (2022) 9.035 (2021) 8.997 (2020) 8.716 (2019) 6.015 (2018)
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2 |
Science Editing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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3 |
ISJ Real Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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13 |
El-Bahith Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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14 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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15 |
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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16 |
Academic Journal of Research in Business and Accounting
eISSN 2311-326X
International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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17 |
ACEEE International Journal on Communication
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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18 |
ACEEE International Journal on Control System and Instrumentation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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19 |
ACEEE International Journal on Electrical and Power Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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21 |
Tourism Education Studies and Practice
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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22 |
United States of America Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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23 |
VisiГіn ElectrГіnica, algo mГЎs que un estado sГіlido
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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24 |
Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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25 |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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27 |
World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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28 |
World of Sciences Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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29 |
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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30 |
South Asian Journal of Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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31 |
Studia UBB Musica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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32 |
The Asian Journal of Animal Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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33 |
The Asian Journal of Experimental Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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34 |
The Greek E - Journal of Perioperative Medicine
eISSN 1109-6888
The Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine of Northern Greece
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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35 |
The Journal of Business and Retail Management Research
pISSN 1751-8202
eISSN 2056-6271
Academy of Business and Retail Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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36 |
The Journal of Business Inquiry
pISSN 2155-4056
eISSN 2155-4072
Woodbury School of Business, Utah Valley University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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37 |
Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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38 |
Reserach Journal of Business and Management (RJBM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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39 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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40 |
Revista de Administração e Inovação - RAI
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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41 |
Revista de Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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42 |
Revista Metropolitana de Sustentabilidade
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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43 |
Samwaa e-Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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44 |
Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science (SJAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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45 |
Science and Education a New Dimension
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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46 |
Science Road Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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47 |
Mintage journal of pharmaceutical and medical sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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48 |
Modelling of Artificial Intelligence
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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49 |
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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50 |
Pakistan Journal of Radiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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51 |
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences (PAJES)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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52 |
Perspectives of science and education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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53 |
Proceedings Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Science Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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54 |
Research in Higher Education Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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55 |
Journal of Technology Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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56 |
Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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57 |
Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani-Part A
0.710 (2014)
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58 |
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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59 |
Kanz Philosophia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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60 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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61 |
Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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62 |
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
pISSN 2039-9340
eISSN 2039-2117
Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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63 |
Merit Research Journal of Education and Review (MRJER)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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64 |
Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Science (MRJMMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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65 |
Journal of Innovative Research and solutions(JIRAS)
pISSN 2320-1932
eISSN 2348-3636
Universal innovative Interdisciplinary research society
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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66 |
Journal of Instructional Pedagogies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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67 |
Journal of Criminal Justice and Legal Issues
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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68 |
Journal of Kufa physics
pISSN 2077-5830
eISSN 2312-6671
Physics Department /Faculty of Science /University of Kufa
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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69 |
Journal of Management of Roraima-RARR
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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70 |
Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics(JMML)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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71 |
Journal of Medical Sciences and Health
pISSN 2394-9481
eISSN 2394-949X
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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72 |
Journal of Novel Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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73 |
Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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74 |
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS)
pISSN 2305-9494
eISSN 2305-9249
Centre of Excellence for Scientific and Research Journalism (COES&RJ LLC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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75 |
Journal of Asian Development Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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76 |
Journal of Business, Economics and finance (JBEF)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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77 |
Journal of Bio Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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78 |
Journal of Chemical, Biological and physical sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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79 |
Journal of Crop and Weed
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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80 |
Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting (JEFA)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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81 |
Journal of Educational and Social Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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82 |
Journal of Empirical Economics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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83 |
Journal of Fundamental Pharmaceutical Research
eISSN 2348-5388
BENGAL College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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84 |
Journal of Infection and Molecular Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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85 |
International Review of Engineering and Computer Sciences (IRECS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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86 |
International Review of Management and Business Research
1.192 (2014)
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87 |
International Review of Mechanical Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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88 |
International Review of Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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89 |
International Review on Modelling and Simulations
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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90 |
Iranian Journal of Language Testing (IJLT)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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91 |
Iranian Journal of Management Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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92 |
Journal Of Accounting, Finance And Auditing Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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93 |
Journal of Animal Health and Production
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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94 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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95 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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96 |
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
eISSN 2231-2307
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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97 |
International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Physics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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98 |
International Journal on Emerging Technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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99 |
International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE
1.312 (2014)
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100 |
International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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101 |
International Journals of Marketing and Technology (IJMT)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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102 |
International Journals of Rehabilitation Sciences(IJRS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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103 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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104 |
International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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105 |
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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106 |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
eISSN 2277-3878
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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107 |
International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications (IJRSA)
pISSN 2226-4361
eISSN 2226-4353
Science and Engineering Publishing Company (SEP)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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108 |
International Journal of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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109 |
International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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110 |
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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111 |
International Journal of Science and Nature (IJSN)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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112 |
International Journal of Science and Technology Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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113 |
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Applications (IJMSEA)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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114 |
International Journal of Medical Dentistry
0.983 (2014)
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115 |
Translational Medicine and Biotechnology (TMB)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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116 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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117 |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Advances in Engineering (IJMRAE)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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118 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research (IJPMR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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119 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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120 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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121 |
International Journal of Psychotherapy
7.356 (2024) 7.333
(2023) 7.104 (2022) 6.776 (2021)
5.993 (2020)
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122 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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123 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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124 |
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering
eISSN 2319-6386
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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125 |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
eISSN 2278-3075
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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126 |
International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences
eISSN 2319-9598
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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127 |
International Journal of Knowledge Content and Technology
pISSN 2234-0068
eISSN 2287-187X
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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128 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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129 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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130 |
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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131 |
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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132 |
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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133 |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (IJEMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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134 |
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
eISSN 2249-8958
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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135 |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Industrial Applications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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136 |
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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137 |
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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138 |
International Journal of English and Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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139 |
International Journal of Ethics, Trauma & Victimology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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140 |
International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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141 |
International Journal of Business and Economic Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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142 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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143 |
International Journal of Current Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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144 |
International journal of dental and medical specialty
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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145 |
International Journal of Devopment Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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146 |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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147 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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148 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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149 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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150 |
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering
eISSN 2319-6378
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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151 |
International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences (IJALS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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152 |
Polymer Korea
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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153 |
Analytical Science & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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154 |
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
pISSN 1226-3311
eISSN 2288-5978
The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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155 |
Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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156 |
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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157 |
Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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158 |
Walawalkar International Medical Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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159 |
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
pISSN 1225-3537
eISSN 2233-4173
The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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160 |
Journal of the Korean institute of surface engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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161 |
Revista CientГfica Hermes
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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162 |
Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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163 |
AASRI Procedia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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164 |
Cognitive Processing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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165 |
Applied Mathematics & Optimization
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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166 |
Algebra and Logic
pISSN 0002-5232
eISSN 1573-8302
Novosibirsk State University and Institute of Mathematics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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167 |
Roa Iktissadia REVIEW
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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168 |
Earth`s Cryosphere
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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169 |
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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170 |
ANGLISTICUM The International Journal of English Literature, Linguistics & Interdisciplinary Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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171 |
The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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172 |
Service & Tourism: Current Challenges
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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173 |
Academic Journal of Economic Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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174 |
International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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175 |
International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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176 |
International Journal of Physiotherapy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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177 |
Medical perspectives (Medičnì Perspektivi)
pISSN 2307-0404
SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine"
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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178 |
Biogeosystem Technique
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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179 |
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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180 |
Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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181 |
Medico Research Chronicles
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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182 |
International Journal of Digital Communication and Networks (IJDCN)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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183 |
International Journal of Health Research in Modern Integrated Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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184 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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185 |
Indian Journal of Management Science (IJMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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186 |
Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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187 |
International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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188 |
Materials in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea
eISSN 2219-8857
Tyumen State University, Nizhnevartovsk State University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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189 |
Azerbaijanian Journal of Economics and Social Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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190 |
Research Chronicle in health sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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191 |
Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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192 |
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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193 |
International Research and Publications in Medical Sciences (IRPMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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194 |
Journal of Life Economics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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195 |
Bulletin Of Nizhnevartovsk State University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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196 |
International Archives of Integrated Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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197 |
International Journal of Engineering Works
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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198 |
Acta Centri Lucusiensis
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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199 |
Indian Journal of Mednodent And Allied Sciences
pISSN 2347-6192
eISSN 2347-6206
Association of Medical Dental and Allied Sciences
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200 |
Journal of Liberty and International Affairs
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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201 |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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202 |
IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security
pISSN 2302-5700
eISSN 2354-6654
APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonesia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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203 |
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences
pISSN 2277-1808
eISSN 2277-1808
Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, India
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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204 |
International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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205 |
International Journal of Anatomy and Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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206 |
International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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207 |
International Scientific E-Journal “Economic Processes Management”
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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208 |
Annals of phytomedicine : An International Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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209 |
Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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210 |
International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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211 |
International Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research (IJCBR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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212 |
Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioural Science (RJCBS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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213 |
Research Journal of Science & IT Management (RJSITM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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214 |
Research Journal of Social Science & Management (RJSSM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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215 |
Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies (RJEBS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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216 |
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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217 |
Al-Mustansiriyah Journal for Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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218 |
The Ethics Forum
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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219 |
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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220 |
Emergent Life Sciences Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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221 |
Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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222 |
Journal of Harmonized Research in Pharmacy
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223 |
Journal of Harmonized Research in Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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224 |
Journal of Harmonized Research in Applied Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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225 |
Journal of Harmonized Research in Medical and Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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226 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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227 |
International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research ( IJBEMR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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228 |
Athens Journal of Health
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229 |
pISSN 2254-2930
eISSN 2254-7673
Universidad Complutense De Madrid - Grupo De InvestigaciГіn Arte Y Ciudad
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230 |
International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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231 |
International Journal of Surgery and Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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232 |
Acta Geobalcanica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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233 |
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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234 |
African Journal of Food Science Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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235 |
MedPulse International Medical Journal
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236 |
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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237 |
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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238 |
Journal of Bio Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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239 |
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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240 |
Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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241 |
Polilog. Neophilological studies.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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242 |
Online international Journal of Medical and Social Sciencesnline international Journal of Medical and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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243 |
Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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245 |
ACEEE International Journal on Network Security
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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246 |
ACEEE International Journal on Signal & Image Processing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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247 |
ACEEE International Journal on Information Technology
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248 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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249 |
Advance Research in Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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250 |
Advances in Human Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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251 |
African Crop Science Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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252 |
Agrivita, Journal of Agricultural Science (AJAS)
pISSN 0126-0537
eISSN 2302-6766
Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya Indonesia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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253 |
AL FATH journal
eISSN 8752-1996
Dr Haider Shaker Mizher, Diyala University, College of Basic Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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254 |
Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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255 |
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences
pISSN 1110-2407
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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256 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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257 |
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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258 |
American Journal of Trade and Policy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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259 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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260 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
pISSN 2350-7756
eISSN 2350-8442
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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261 |
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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262 |
Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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263 |
Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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264 |
Asian Journal of Educational Research & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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265 |
Avrasya UluslararasД± AraЕџtД±rmalar Dergisi
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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266 |
Bangladesh Journal of Livestock Research
pISSN 1022-3851
Director General, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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267 |
Basic Research Journal of Business Management and Accounts
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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268 |
Basic Research Journal of Education Research and Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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269 |
Basic Research Journal of Food Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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270 |
Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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271 |
Basic Research Journal of Soil and Environmental Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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272 |
North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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273 |
International Journal of Law and Legal Studies
pISSN 2463-5637
eISSN 2463-5637
International Scholars Journals Publishing Corporation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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274 |
International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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275 |
International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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276 |
National Journal of Medical and Dental Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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277 |
Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research
pISSN 1813-8497
eISSN 1813-8497
university of Basrah-college veterinary medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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278 |
Biomedical Research and Therapy
eISSN 2198-4093
Laboratory of Stem Cell Research and Application, Global Science Journal, powered by Springer Publis
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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279 |
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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280 |
pISSN 1886-4945
eISSN 2340-4256
Instituto TeolГіgico de CГЎceres - Editorial SindГ©resis
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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281 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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282 |
current world environment
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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283 |
Dilemas contemporГЎneos: EducaciГіn, PolГtica y Valores
eISSN 2007-7890
AsesorГas y tutorГas para la investigaciГіn cientГfica en la EducaciГіn Puig-SalabarrГa S.C.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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284 |
Direito, Estado e Sociedade
pISSN 1516-6104
eISSN 1982-0879
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da PUC-Rio
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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285 |
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal
pISSN 2073-9524
eISSN 2310-8746
College of Agriculture - University of Diyala
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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286 |
Diyala Journal for Pure Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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287 |
Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies (EJARS)
pISSN 2090-4932
eISSN 2090-4940
Sohag University. Publication center (SUPC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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288 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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289 |
Engineering Technology in India
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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290 |
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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291 |
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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292 |
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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293 |
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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294 |
Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (GARJMBS) ISSN: 2315-5086
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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295 |
Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology (GARJM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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296 |
Global Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology (GJBB)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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297 |
International Journal of Advance Biological Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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298 |
ICGST Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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299 |
ICGST Journal of Graphics, Vision and Image Processing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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300 |
Independent Journal of Management and Production
eISSN 2236-269x
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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301 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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302 |
Infinite Energy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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303 |
International Body Psychotherapy Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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304 |
International Forum
eISSN 2350-7497
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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305 |
pISSN 2226-4817
eISSN 2304-6953
Asian Institute of Advance Research and Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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306 |
International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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307 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology
eISSN 2347-6389
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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308 |
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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309 |
International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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310 |
International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology (IJAAST)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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311 |
International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (IJAAMM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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312 |
International Journal of Ayurveda & Alternative Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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313 |
Epiphany - Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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314 |
Journal of Kerbala University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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315 |
International Journal of Medical Research Professionals
pISSN 2454-6356
eISSN 2454-6364
Dr.Rohin garg, Assistant Prof. Dept. of Anatomy, Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College &Research Cent
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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316 |
International Journal of Basic and Applied Science (IJBAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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317 |
International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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318 |
International Journal of Communication Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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319 |
International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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320 |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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321 |
International Journal of Research in IT & Management (IJRIM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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322 |
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering
eISSN 2319-6378
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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323 |
Australian Journal of International Social Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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324 |
Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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325 |
Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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326 |
Journal of International Multidisciplinary Academic Researches
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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327 |
Journal of Research in Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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328 |
Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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329 |
Journal of Sports Sciences
eISSN 2074-6032
College of Physical Education and sport science University of Diyala
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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330 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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331 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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332 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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333 |
Proceeding Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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334 |
Advances in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
pISSN 9424-2933
eISSN 9424-2933
International Scholars Journals Publishing Corporation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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335 |
African Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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336 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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337 |
Revista de Direito Administrativo
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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338 |
Science Letters
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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339 |
Science Vision
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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340 |
SMART Journal of Business Management Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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341 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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342 |
Sportif BakД±Еџ: Spor ve EДџitim Bilimleri Dergisi
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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343 |
University Economic Bulletin. Collection of scientific articles of scientists and post-graduate students
eISSN 2306-546Р
State Higher Educational Establishment “Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskiy State Pedagogic University after G
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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344 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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345 |
Д°Еџletme AraЕџtД±rmalarД± Dergisi (Journal of Business Research-Turk)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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346 |
Basrah Journal of Surgery
1.293 (2014)
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347 |
PEM: Psychology. Educology. Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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348 |
Information at the Forefront of Academic Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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349 |
eISSN 1857-8187
ANGLISTICUM: International Journal of Literature, Linguistics & Interdisciplinary Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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350 |
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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351 |
Scholarly Research Exchange
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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352 |
Inviroment Conservation Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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353 |
Jurnal Ump – Social Sciences And Technology Management
pISSN 0957-7572
eISSN 0957-7572
Jurnal Ump – Social Sciences And Technology Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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354 |
Mitteilungen Saechsischer Entomologen
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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355 |
Turkish Journal of Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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356 |
Educational Research International
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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357 |
Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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358 |
Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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359 |
Engineering Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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360 |
Advance Research in Agriculture and Veterinary Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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361 |
International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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362 |
International Journal of Business Management and Allied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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363 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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364 |
Research Journal of English Language and Literature
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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365 |
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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366 |
Journal of Psychology & Behavioral Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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367 |
Journal of Social Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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368 |
Journal of Management Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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369 |
American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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370 |
Biotechnological Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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371 |
Journal of Medical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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372 |
GMP Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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373 |
Internatinal Journal of Supply and Operations Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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374 |
Education and Development, Research and Practice
eISSN 2392-7895
Faculty of Science of Education from “Stefan cel Mare” University, Suceava
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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375 |
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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376 |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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377 |
Journal of Human and Social Science Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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378 |
Journal of Science and Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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379 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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380 |
Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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381 |
Cumhuriyet Science Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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382 |
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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383 |
Visi Jurnal Akademik
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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384 |
International Research Journal of Management Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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385 |
International Joural of Economy, Management and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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386 |
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management
pISSN 2383-3572
eISSN 2383-3866
Solid Waste Engineering and Management Association
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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387 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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388 |
Mediterranean Journal of Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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389 |
International Journal of Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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390 |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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391 |
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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392 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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393 |
International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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394 |
Turkish Journal of Scientific Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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395 |
Journal of Political & Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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396 |
Kaav International Journal of Economics , Commerce & Business Management – A Peer Review Quarterly Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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397 |
eISSN 2348-2990
Scientific Research Center, in collaboration with University of Madras, India
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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398 |
The New Indian Journal of OBGYN (Formerly The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Barpeta)
pISSN 2554-2334
eISSN 2454-2342
Barpeta Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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399 |
International Journal in Management and Social Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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400 |
International Journal in IT and Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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401 |
International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences (IJCIS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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402 |
International journal in physical and applied sciences (IJPAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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403 |
Aryabhatta Journal Of Mathematics And Informatics
pISSN 0975-7139
eISSN 2394-9309
International Journals of Multi-Dimensional Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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404 |
International Research Journal of Commerce and Law (IRJCL)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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405 |
International Journal of Current Medical and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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406 |
Applied Scientific Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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407 |
The bulletin on pedagogics and psychology of Southern Siberia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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408 |
Journal of Anatomical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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409 |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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410 |
Journal of Cell and Molecular Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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411 |
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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412 |
Management Studies and Economic Systems
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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413 |
Academic Journal of Research in Economics and Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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414 |
World Journal of Economics and Engineering
eISSN 2391-5714
International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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415 |
World Journal of Applied and Life Sciences
eISSN 2391-7504
International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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416 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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417 |
Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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418 |
Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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419 |
Iranian Endodontic Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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420 |
Slobozans`kij naukovo-sportivnij visnik: Scientific and theoretical journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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421 |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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422 |
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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423 |
International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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424 |
Journal of Advanced & Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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425 |
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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426 |
International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research
pISSN 2383-2762
eISSN 2322-4827
National Press Associates, New Delhi, India
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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427 |
International Science and Investigation journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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428 |
Shiraz Journal of System Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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429 |
International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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430 |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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431 |
Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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432 |
Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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433 |
Journal of Rangeland Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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434 |
UCT Journal of Management and Accounting Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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435 |
UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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436 |
UCT Journal of Research in Science ,Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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437 |
Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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438 |
International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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439 |
African Journal of Fisheries Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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440 |
Alphanumeric Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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441 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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442 |
International Journal of Pediatrics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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443 |
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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444 |
International Journal of English Language & Translation studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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445 |
Journal of Biology and today’s world
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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446 |
Health Education and Health Promotion
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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447 |
International Journal of Research In Industrial Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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448 |
Journal of World’s Electrical Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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449 |
International Journal of Social Science and Management (IJSSM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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450 |
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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451 |
International Journal of Society, Culture & Language
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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452 |
The Journal of World’s Poultry Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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453 |
World’s Veterinary Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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454 |
Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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455 |
International Journal of management and Business Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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456 |
Iranian Journal of Toxicology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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457 |
International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicin
pISSN 2251-9637
eISSN 2251-9645
Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Center, Babol University of Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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458 |
Iranian Journal of Management Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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459 |
International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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460 |
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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461 |
Journal of Language Sciences & Linguistics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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462 |
Journal of Management and Social Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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463 |
Annals of Applied Sport Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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464 |
Enjoy Teaching Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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465 |
International Journal of Health Policy and Mangement
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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466 |
Annals of Colorectal Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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467 |
Research Journal of Sport Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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468 |
Archives of Physiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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469 |
Biochemical Compounds
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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470 |
Breast Cancer Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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471 |
Cardiovascular System
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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472 |
Cell signalling and Trafficking
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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473 |
Gastroenterological and Intestinal Systems
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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474 |
Genomics Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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475 |
Epidemiology Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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476 |
Journal of Autism
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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477 |
Global Epidemic Obesity
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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478 |
Journal of Reproductive Biology and Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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479 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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480 |
Chronicles of Surgery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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481 |
Dermatology Aspects
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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482 |
HOAJ Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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483 |
Journal of Allergy and Asthma
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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484 |
Hematology and Leukemia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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485 |
Hormonal Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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486 |
Trends in Vector Research and Parasitology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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487 |
Research Journal of Drug Abuse
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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488 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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489 |
Interactive Medicinal Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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490 |
Family Practice Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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491 |
Journal of Plant Science and Molecular Breeding
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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492 |
Journal of Molecular Engineering & Systems Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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493 |
Emergency Medicine and Health Care
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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494 |
Journal of Genetics Study
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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495 |
Research Journal of Infectious Diseases
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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496 |
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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497 |
Journal of Gene Therapy Aspects
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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498 |
Internal Medicine Inside
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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499 |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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500 |
Journal of Anesthesiology and Clinical Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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501 |
Journal of Rheumatology and Orthopedics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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502 |
Journal of Medical Disorders
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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503 |
Journal of Metabolomics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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504 |
Journal of Toxicology and Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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505 |
Musculoskeletal Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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506 |
Journal of Optics and Photonics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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507 |
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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508 |
Journal of Nursing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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509 |
Journal of Cancer Therapeutics & Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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510 |
Medical Imaging and Radiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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511 |
Paediatrics and Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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512 |
Nanomaterials and Nanosciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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513 |
Nutritional Science and Food Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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514 |
Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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515 |
Pain and Relief Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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516 |
Research Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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517 |
Journal of Public Health Aspects
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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518 |
Microbiology Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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519 |
Pulmonology and Respiratory Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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520 |
Neuroscience Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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521 |
Virology Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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522 |
Transplantation Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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523 |
Oncology Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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524 |
Oral Biology and Dentistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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525 |
Pathology Discovery
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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526 |
Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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527 |
Journal of Integrative Psychology and Therapeutics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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528 |
Journal of Histology & Histopathology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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529 |
Trends in Bacteriology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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530 |
Immunology Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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531 |
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Ecological Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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532 |
Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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533 |
Journal of Proteome Science & Computational Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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534 |
Journal of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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535 |
Medical Instrumentation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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536 |
Clinical Nephrology and Urology Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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537 |
Renewable Bioresources
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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538 |
Stem Cell Biology and Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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539 |
Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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540 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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541 |
Journal of Economic Geology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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542 |
International Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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543 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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544 |
Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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545 |
Asian Journal of Home Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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546 |
Asian Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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547 |
Asian Journal of Environmental Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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548 |
An Asian Journal of Soil Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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549 |
The Asian Journal of Horticulture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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550 |
Asian Journal of Bio Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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551 |
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics & Computational Fluid Dynamics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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552 |
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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553 |
Scholedge International Journal of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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554 |
Scholedge International Journal of Management & Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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555 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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556 |
Qualittive Research in Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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557 |
International Journal of Plant Protection
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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558 |
International Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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559 |
International Journal of Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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560 |
International Journal of Commerce & Business Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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561 |
The science. Thought
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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562 |
International Journal of Physical Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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563 |
Research Journal of Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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564 |
International Journal of Forestry & Crop Improvement
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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565 |
Advance Research Journal of Social Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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566 |
International Journal of Processing & Post Harvest Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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567 |
Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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568 |
Veterinary Science Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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569 |
Annals of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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570 |
Food Science Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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571 |
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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572 |
International Journal of Plant Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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573 |
International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics & Statistics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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574 |
Agriculture Update
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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575 |
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Innovative Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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576 |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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577 |
Journal of Biological , Pharmaceutical And Chemical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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578 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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579 |
Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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580 |
Journal of Economic and Social Thought
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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581 |
Journal of Physical Education Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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582 |
Annals of Dental Specialty
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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583 |
Clinical Social Work
pISSN 2222-386X
eISSN 2076-9741
International Scientific Group Of Applied Preventive Medicine I - Gap Vienna
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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584 |
Social-health spectrum
pISSN 1339-1577
eISSN 1339-2379
St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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585 |
Physics and mathematics education
pISSN 2413-1571
eISSN 2413-158X
Physics and mathematics faculty of Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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586 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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587 |
Turkish Economic Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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588 |
Journal of Economics and Political Economy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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589 |
Ambiente & ГЃgua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science
eISSN 1980-993X
Institute for Environmental Research in Hydrographic Basins (IPABHi)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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590 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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591 |
Refrigeration engineering and technology
pISSN 0453-8307
eISSN 2409-6792
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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592 |
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad
eISSN 1852-8759
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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593 |
Asian Research Journal of Business Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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594 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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595 |
International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJCRCPS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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596 |
Indialogs Spanish Journal of India Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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597 |
International Journal of Global Science Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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598 |
International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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599 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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600 |
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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601 |
Automation of technological and business processes
pISSN 2312-3125
eISSN 2312-931Р
Odessa national academy of food technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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602 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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603 |
Journal of Economics Bibliography
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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604 |
Journal of Economics Library
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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605 |
Persian Journal of Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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606 |
eISSN 2309-1797
State Higher Educational Establishment “Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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607 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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608 |
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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609 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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610 |
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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611 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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612 |
International Journal of Educational Investigations
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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613 |
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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614 |
Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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615 |
Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Informatics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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616 |
International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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617 |
Zoological Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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618 |
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
pISSN 2227-2895
eISSN 2313-0059
University of Babylon/Babylon Centre for Cultural and Historical Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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619 |
Economics Management Innovation
pISSN 1804-1299
eISSN 1805-353X
Moravian University College Olomouc, Czech republic
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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620 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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621 |
International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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622 |
Wayamba Journal of Animal Science
eISSN 2012-578X
Society of Animal Production, Department of Livestock & Avian Science, Wayamba University of Sri Lan
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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623 |
Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
pISSN 0853-7380
eISSN 2252-696X
Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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624 |
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science
pISSN 2336-2375
eISSN 1803-1617
Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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625 |
International Journal of Current Biotechnology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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626 |
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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627 |
Revista Brasileira de GestГЈo Ambiental e Sustentabilidade
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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628 |
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis
pISSN 1693-5853
eISSN 2407-2524
Graduate program of management and business, Bogor Agricultural
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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629 |
MitologГas hoy
eISSN 2014-1130
Servei de Publicacions Universitat AutГІnoma de Barcelona
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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630 |
Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University
eISSN 2231-4261
Dr. M. V. Ghorpade, Registrar, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, Karad-415539, Mahar
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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631 |
Journal of Academic Researches and Studies
pISSN 1309-3762
eISSN 2149-1585
Kilis 7 AralД±k University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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632 |
HistorickГЎ sociologie (Historical Sociology)
pISSN 1804-0616
eISSN 2336-3525
Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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633 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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634 |
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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635 |
Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME)
pISSN 2228-7922
eISSN 2251-6549
Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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636 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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637 |
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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638 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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639 |
Information Technologies and Learning Tools
eISSN 2076-8184
Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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640 |
International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research (IABCR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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641 |
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
pISSN 0853-4217
eISSN 2443-3462
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Bogor Agricultural University)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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642 |
AGROKREATIF Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
pISSN 2460-8572
eISSN 2461-095X
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Bogor Agricultural University)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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643 |
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam
pISSN 2088-7957
eISSN 2442-871X
Progam Studi Filsafat Agama Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Su
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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644 |
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
pISSN 1978-3183
eISSN 2356-2218
Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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645 |
Revista ElectrГіnica Educare (Educare Electronic Journal)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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646 |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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647 |
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Chemical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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648 |
TMU Journal of Dentistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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649 |
Jurnal Reaktor
pISSN 0852-0798
eISSN 2407-5973
Department of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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650 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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651 |
Journal of Engineering, Scientific Research and Applications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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652 |
Strategy and Development Review
pISSN 2011-4793
eISSN 2170-0982
Edited by the Faculty of Economics Trade and Management Sciences University of Mostaganem
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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653 |
Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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654 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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655 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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656 |
Israel Journal of Entomology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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657 |
South American Journal Of Nursing
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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658 |
South American Journal of Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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659 |
South American Journal of Public Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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660 |
South American Journal of Clinical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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661 |
South American Journal of Academic Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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662 |
South American Journal of Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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663 |
eISSN 1827-8620
SILAE - The Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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664 |
Buletin Peternakan (Bulletin of Animal Science)
pISSN 0126-4400
eISSN 2407-876X
Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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665 |
Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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666 |
Open Veterinary Journal
pISSN 2226-4485
eISSN 2218-6050
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli and Libyan Authority for Research, Science and
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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667 |
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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668 |
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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669 |
World Journal of Veterinary Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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670 |
Surgical Research Updates
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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671 |
Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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672 |
Journal of Rehabilitation Robotics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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673 |
Journal of Rhinolaryngo-Otologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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674 |
Journal of Nephrology and Urology Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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675 |
Journal of Modern Medicinal Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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676 |
Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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677 |
Journal of Cardiology and Therapeutics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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678 |
Journal of Autoimmune Diseases and Rheumatology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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679 |
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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680 |
International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology and Audiology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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681 |
International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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682 |
Global Journal of Dermatology & Venereology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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683 |
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science
eISSN 2354-8509
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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684 |
Algerian Review of Economic Development (ARED)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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685 |
Algerian Business Performance Review ABPR ::
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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686 |
The Dhaka University of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DUJPS)
pISSN 1816-1820
eISSN 1816-1839
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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687 |
Investigaciones Europeas de DirecciГіn y EconomГa de la Empresa
eISSN 1135-2523
Academia Europea de DirecciГіn y EconomГa de la Empresa (AEDEM) / Elsevier
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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688 |
Environmental Monographs Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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689 |
Electronic Journal in Management, Education and Environmental Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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690 |
Revista Venezolana de Salud PГєblica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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691 |
Ciencia & Natura
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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692 |
Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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693 |
Revista Finanzas y PolГtica EconГіmica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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694 |
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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695 |
Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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696 |
International Journal of Integrated Medical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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697 |
Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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698 |
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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699 |
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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700 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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701 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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702 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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703 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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704 |
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan
pISSN 0125-9695
eISSN 2338-3453
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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705 |
Islamika Indonesiana
pISSN 2356-0126
eISSN 2355-6242
State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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706 |
International Journal of Nusantara Islam
pISSN 2252-5904
eISSN 2355-651X
State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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707 |
ГЃgora de Heterodoxias
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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708 |
Revista ObservatГіrio
pISSN 2447-4266
eISSN 2447-4266
Dr. Francisco Gilson Rebouças Porto Junior
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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709 |
Збірник наукових праць фізико-математичного факультету ДДПУ
eISSN 2413-2667
Donbas State Pedagogical University, Department of Physics and Mathematics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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710 |
International Journal of Economics and Innovation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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711 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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712 |
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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713 |
American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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714 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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715 |
Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu, Letter and Social Science Series
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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716 |
Metallurgical and Mining Industry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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717 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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718 |
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences
eISSN 1338-5178
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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719 |
Revue LISA / LISA e-journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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720 |
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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721 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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722 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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723 |
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)
pISSN 2412-6551
eISSN 2225-658X
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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724 |
South Asian Studies Journal
pISSN 1026 - 67
eISSN 2309-4575
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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725 |
Octa Journal of Environmental Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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726 |
Octa Journal of Biosciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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727 |
Issues in Language Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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728 |
International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences
pISSN 2393-932X
eISSN 2278-0238
An official Publication of Society for research and Development in Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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729 |
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA)
eISSN 2220-9085
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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730 |
Hygeiajournal for drugs and medicines
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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731 |
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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732 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences (APJHS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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733 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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734 |
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Innovations
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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735 |
EMIT: Economics management information technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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736 |
Our Dermatology Online
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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737 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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738 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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739 |
Research and Science Today
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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740 |
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
eISSN 2305-0012
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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741 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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742 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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743 |
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM)
eISSN 2410-0439
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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744 |
The Dawn Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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745 |
International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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746 |
Reviews in Clinical Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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747 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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748 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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749 |
International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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750 |
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
pISSN 2308-0339
eISSN 2225-8329
Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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751 |
American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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752 |
Journal of Political Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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753 |
Biology, Medicine & Natural Product Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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754 |
MERC Globals International Journal of Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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755 |
Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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756 |
International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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757 |
International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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758 |
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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759 |
Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
pISSN 1813-8535
eISSN 2070-8998
Association of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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760 |
Revista del Centro de InvestigaciГіn Flamenco Telethusa
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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761 |
Journal of Science and Arts
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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762 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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763 |
COMPUSOFT An International Journal Of Advanced Computer Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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764 |
Журнал Латиноамериканской Etnomatemática
eISSN 2011-5474
Университет Нариньо & Латиноамериканская Сеть Etnomatemátic
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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765 |
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
pISSN 1409-6099
eISSN 1857-663X
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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766 |
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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767 |
Ecoterra - Journal of Environmental Research and Protection
pISSN 1584-7071
eISSN 2248-3128
National Society of Environmental Science and Engineering (SNSIM
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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768 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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769 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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770 |
Ecologia Balkanica
pISSN 1314-0213
eISSN 1313-9940
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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771 |
International Journal of Agricultural Science Research (IJASR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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772 |
Popular Kheti
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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773 |
phytochem & biosub journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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774 |
Journal of Thermal Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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775 |
Journal of Advanced Engineering Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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776 |
International Journal of Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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777 |
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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778 |
Discobolul - Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotheray Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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779 |
Azarian Journal of Agriculture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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780 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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781 |
International Journal of Science and Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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782 |
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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783 |
Studia islamika
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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784 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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785 |
Revista HipГіtese
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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786 |
Journal of Education and Community Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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787 |
International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies
pISSN 2149-8393
eISSN 2149-8407
Centre of Political Economical and Social Research (PESA)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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788 |
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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789 |
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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790 |
Archives of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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791 |
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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792 |
Intas Polivet
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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793 |
Revista Ciencia y Cuidado
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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794 |
Al-Jamiah: Journal of ISlamic Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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795 |
TS Cuadernos de Trabajo Social
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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796 |
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
pISSN 2089-1490
eISSN 2046-825X
Postgraduate Program State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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797 |
Indonesian EFL Journal
pISSN 2460-0938
eISSN 2460-2604
Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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798 |
Archives of breast cancer
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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799 |
Medical Journal of Babylon
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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800 |
International Journal of Management Science and Business Administrationv
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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801 |
Revista Latino-americana de Jornalismo - Г‚NCORA
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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802 |
pISSN 1409-424X
eISSN 2215-4094
Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Universidad Nacional
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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803 |
The International Asian Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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804 |
International Journal of Education Research and Reviews
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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805 |
Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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806 |
International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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807 |
AL IHKAM (Journal of Law and Social Studies)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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808 |
Carpathian Mathematical Publications
pISSN 2075-9827
eISSN 2313-0210
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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809 |
Journal of Biological and Chemical Chronicles
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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810 |
International Journal of Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering (IJITME)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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811 |
International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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812 |
Technological Systems
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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813 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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814 |
OKARA Jurnal Bahasa dan sastra
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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815 |
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)
pISSN 2334-847X
eISSN 2334-8496
The Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education, Serbia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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816 |
Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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817 |
Revista Brasileira de Iniciação CientГfica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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818 |
Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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819 |
Scholars Bulletin
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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820 |
Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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821 |
Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
pISSN 2311-0155
eISSN 2413-2349
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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822 |
International Journal of Recent Sugical and Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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823 |
Journal of Chalmeda AnandRao Institute of Medical Sciences
pISSN 2395-0188
eISSN 2278-5310
Chalmeda AnandRao Institute of Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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824 |
Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini is an International multidisciplinary e-Journal
eISSN 2454-8367
Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini is an International multidisciplinary e-Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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825 |
Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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826 |
Scientific Notes of Sumy State Pedagogical University. A Series of Geographical Sciences
pISSN 2413-8800
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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827 |
Educational Process: International Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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828 |
Journal of Knowledge & Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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829 |
Revista humanidades
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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830 |
Gurukul International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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831 |
Journal of Literary Studies (Journal of Literature and Humanities)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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832 |
Journal of International Sport Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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833 |
pISSN 2277-5536
eISSN 2277-5641
D.B.F. Dayanand College of Art & Science, Solapur, India
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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834 |
Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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835 |
International Journal of Health Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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836 |
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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837 |
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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838 |
The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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839 |
International Journal of Technology Research & Innovations
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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840 |
BoletГn MГ©dico de Postgrado
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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841 |
International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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842 |
pISSN 2442-3289
eISSN 2442-4285
Pamekasan State College of Islamic Studies (STAIN Pamekasan)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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843 |
Journal of Maize Research and Development
pISSN 2467-9291
eISSN 2467-9305
National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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844 |
International Journal of Economical Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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845 |
Research Journal of Public Finance
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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846 |
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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847 |
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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848 |
International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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849 |
International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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850 |
pISSN 1410-7546
eISSN 2355-7893
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Imam Bonjol
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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851 |
Ar-Raniry: International Journal of Islamic Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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852 |
Global English-Oriented Research Journal (GEORJ)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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853 |
The Achievers Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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854 |
International Journal of Bioassays
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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855 |
Annals of Pharma Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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856 |
Annals of Plant Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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857 |
Griot : Revista de Filosofia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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858 |
Applied Research Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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859 |
Forum geografic. Studii si cercetari de geografie Еџi protecЕЈia mediului
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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860 |
Perspectives In Medical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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861 |
International Scientific Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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862 |
The Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal
pISSN 1996-353X
eISSN 2311-6951
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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863 |
Biological Forum – An International Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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864 |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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865 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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866 |
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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867 |
JOURNAL OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: An International Refereed Journal of Applied Technology in Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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868 |
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATIONS: An International Refereed Journal of Social Development and Innovations
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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869 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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870 |
Civil Engineering Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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871 |
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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872 |
Maraji: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman
pISSN 2406-7636
eISSN 2442-8914
Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta (Kopertais) Wilayah IV Surabaya
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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873 |
Social Media Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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874 |
The Caspian Sea
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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875 |
AARMSS International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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876 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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877 |
Economic: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam (ISSN: & e-ISSN: )
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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878 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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879 |
Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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880 |
Journal of Research and Rural Planning
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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881 |
The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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882 |
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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883 |
Guidena Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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884 |
Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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885 |
Jurnal Speed – Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi
pISSN 1979-9330
eISSN 2088-0154
APMMI - ASosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indoensia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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886 |
Bianglala Informatika Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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887 |
IJSE - Indonesian Journal on Software Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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888 |
Evolusi Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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889 |
Khasanah Ilmu Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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890 |
Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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891 |
International Journal of fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games
pISSN 2349-722x
eISSN 2349-722x
International Federation for fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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892 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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893 |
UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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894 |
Acta Scientiae et Intellectus
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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895 |
International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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896 |
Literary Arts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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897 |
Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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898 |
Journal of Applied Sociology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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899 |
Security and Social Order Strategic Studies Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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900 |
Chasopys sotsialno-ekonomichnoi geografii («Human Geography Journal»)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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901 |
Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Science
eISSN 1023-1072
Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, 70060-Pakistan
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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902 |
jurnal at-tahdzib
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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903 |
International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reserach
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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904 |
Mediterranean Journal of Biosciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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905 |
Mediterranean Journal of Physics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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906 |
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review (IJAMRR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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907 |
Uluslararası Akademik Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi (YONBIL)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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908 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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909 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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910 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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911 |
times international journal of research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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912 |
pISSN 1452-662X
eISSN 2217-8171
Association of medical doctors "Sanamed" Novi Pazar
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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913 |
Eurasian Union of Scientists
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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914 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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915 |
The Crimean Scientific Bulletin
eISSN 2412-1657
Interregional Institute of development of territories
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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916 |
Rashtriya Krishi (English)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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917 |
Rashtriya Krishi (Hindi)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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918 |
Journal of History School
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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919 |
Comparative Literature
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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920 |
Technologies of Intellect Development
eISSN 2223-0521
G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Department of Modern Information Technologi
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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921 |
Bulletin of science and practice
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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922 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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923 |
Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Communications in Mathematical Modeling and Differential Equations Theory
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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924 |
Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Mechanics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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925 |
Zmiev Local Lore
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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926 |
International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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927 |
Punjab University Journal of Zoology
pISSN 1016-1597
eISSN 2313-8556
Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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928 |
Geodetski glasnik
pISSN 1512-6102
eISSN 2233-1786
Union of Associations of Geodetic Professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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929 |
EUREKA: Physics and Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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930 |
Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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931 |
Journal of Food Engineering​ R&D
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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932 |
Journal of Food Engineering​ R&D
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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933 |
Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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934 |
V mire nauchnykh otkrytiy [In the World of Scientific Discoveries]
pISSN 2072-0831
eISSN 2307-9428
Science and Innovation Center Publishing House
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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935 |
Journal of Applied Chemistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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936 |
Journal of Applied Science And Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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937 |
Journal of Engineering And Technology Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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938 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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939 |
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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940 |
Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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941 |
Igdir University Journal of Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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942 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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943 |
At-Tajdid : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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944 |
International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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945 |
International Journal of Finance, Business, Economics, Marketing and Information Systems
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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946 |
International Journal of Law and Politics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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947 |
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
pISSN 2410-3918
eISSN 2410-8693
International Institute for Private, Commercial and Competition Law (IIPCCL)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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948 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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949 |
Journal of Indian System of Medicin
pISSN 2320-4419
eISSN 2455-5029
Registrar, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, (DU) Nagpur
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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950 |
International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences (IRJMIS)
pISSN 2395-7492
eISSN 2395-7492
IJCU (International Journal of College & University)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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951 |
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research (IRJEIS)
pISSN 2454-2261
eISSN 2454-2261
IJCU (International Journal of College & University)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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952 |
International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (IJCESEN)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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953 |
City University research journal
pISSN 2220-9174
eISSN 2409-0441
City University of Science and Information Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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954 |
Algerian journal of environmental science and technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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955 |
IstoriГў Zmievskogo kraГў
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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956 |
International Journal of Surgical Cases
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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957 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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958 |
Academia Anatomica International
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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959 |
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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960 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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961 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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962 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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963 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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964 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Inventions and New Ideas
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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965 |
BizInfo (Blace)
pISSN 2217-2769
eISSN 2406-2324
Business School of Applied Studies in Blace
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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966 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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967 |
Computer science, Information Technology, Automation
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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968 |
EMARA Indonesian Journal of Architecture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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969 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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970 |
Jurnal Cita Hukum
pISSN 2356-1440
eISSN 2502-230X
Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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971 |
Osvitolohichnyy discourse
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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972 |
Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi
eISSN 2502-3357
Prodi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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973 |
pISSN 2442-482x
eISSN 977244248
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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974 |
International Journal of Education Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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975 |
Journal of Exercise, Sports & Orthopedics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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976 |
Open educational e-environment of modern University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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977 |
European Journal of Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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978 |
SOJ Immunology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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979 |
Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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980 |
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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981 |
Journal of Tourism Theory and Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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982 |
Journal of Social Sciences
pISSN 2233-3878
eISSN 2346-8262
Prof.Ilyas Ciloglu, International Black Sea University
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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983 |
Journal of Biochemistry Education
eISSN 2318-8790
Sociedade Brasileira de BioquГmica e Biologia Molecular - SBBq
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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984 |
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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985 |
IETI Transactions on Computers
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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986 |
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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987 |
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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988 |
Asian Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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989 |
Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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990 |
The Journal of Academic Social Sciences Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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991 |
The Journal of Kesit Academy
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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992 |
SSTB International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health and Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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993 |
International Refereed Journal of Nutrition Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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994 |
International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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995 |
International Refereed Journal of Researches on Economy Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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996 |
International Refereed Journal of Nursing Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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997 |
International Refereed Journal of Gynaecology and Maternal and Child Health
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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998 |
International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Natural & Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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999 |
International Refereed Journal of Music Researches
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1000 |
International Refereed Journal of Marketing and Market Researches
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1001 |
International Refereed Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Researches
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1002 |
International Refereed Journal of Architecture and Design
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1003 |
International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1004 |
International Refereed Journal of Orthopaedic Traumatology and Sports Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1005 |
pISSN 0854-4603
eISSN 2502-3209
Consortium of Shariah Scholars (KSSI) in collaboration with Faculty of Sharia and Law of UIN Walison
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1006 |
Dnipropetrovsk University bulletin. Geology, geography
pISSN 2313-2159
eISSN 2409-9864
Dnipropetrovsk National University Oles Gonchar
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1007 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1008 |
2.446 (2018) 1.357 (2017) 0.899 (2016) 0.741 (2015)
Calculate Impact Factor Now !
1009 |
International Journal of Medicine & Biomedical sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1010 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1011 |
British Journal of Medical and Health Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1012 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1013 |
EUREKA: Social and Humanities
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1014 |
Nuansa: Research Journal of Social and Islamic Studies
pISSN 1907-7211
eISSN 2442-807
State of Islamic college Pamekasan (STAIN Pamekasan)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1015 |
The Problems of Historical Poetics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1016 |
Al Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (Journal of Islamic Economics)
pISSN 2087-135X
eISSN 2407-8654
Faculty of Shariah and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1017 |
SIgnifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi
pISSN 2087-2046
eISSN 2476-9223
Faculty of Economic and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1018 |
pISSN 1412-8969
eISSN 2461-0771
Faculty of Economic and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1019 |
pISSN 2087-2038
eISSN 2461-1182
Faculty of Economic and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1020 |
Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah
pISSN 1412-4734
eISSN 2407-8646
Faculty of Shariah and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1021 |
Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1022 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1023 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1024 |
International Journal of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1025 |
De Securitate et Defensione. O BezpieczeЕ„stwie i ObronnoЕ›ci
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1026 |
Annals of Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1027 |
Annals of Natural Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1028 |
Asian Journal of Management, Engineering & Computer Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1029 |
MUAMALAH : Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1030 |
EUREKA: Health Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1031 |
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1032 |
Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1033 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Management Studies (IJIRMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1034 |
International Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies (IntJCES)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1035 |
International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies (IntJCSS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1036 |
EUREKA: Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1037 |
Г‡anakkale AraЕџtД±rmalarД± TГјrk YД±llД±ДџД±
pISSN 2148-0877
eISSN 2148-0877
AtatГјrk ve Г‡anakkale SavaЕџlarД±nД± AraЕџtД±rma Merkezi
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1038 |
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1039 |
Acta Velit
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1040 |
Indo - Asian Journal of Multidiscipilinary Research (IAJMR)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1041 |
Life Science Archives (LSA)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1042 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1043 |
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
pISSN 2356-153X
eISSN 2442-9473
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1044 |
Dominio de las Ciencias
eISSN 2477-8818
Polo de CapacitaciГіn, InvestigaciГіn y PublicaciГіn (POCAIP)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1045 |
Journal of Plant Development
pISSN 2065-3158
eISSN 2066-9917
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Publishing House
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1046 |
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society
pISSN 2356-1416
eISSN 2442-9848
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakart
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1047 |
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education)
pISSN 2356-1777
eISSN 2443-0390
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakart
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1048 |
pISSN 1979-7281
eISSN 2443-1281
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakart
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1049 |
SOSIO DIDAKTIKA: Social Science Education Journal
pISSN 1979-728
eISSN 2442-9430
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakart
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1050 |
OTORITAS : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan
pISSN 2088-3706
eISSN 2502-9320
Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1051 |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Dentistry
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1052 |
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Гњniversitesi Д°ktisadi ve Д°dari Bilimler FakГјltesi Dergisi
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1053 |
pISSN 0216-6143
eISSN 2502-8340
Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1054 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1055 |
Journal on English as a Foreign Language (JEFL)
pISSN 2088-1657
eISSN 2502-6615
IAIN (State Islamic Institute) Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1056 |
GNOSIS: An International Journal of English Language and Literature
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1057 |
Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1058 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1059 |
JournalEducational Science and Technology
pISSN 2460-1497
eISSN 2477-3840
Program Pascasarjana (Graduate Program) Universitas Negeri Makassar (State University of Makassar)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1060 |
International Journal of Medical Works
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1061 |
Advance in Agriculture and Biology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1062 |
Applied Science Reports
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1063 |
Progress in Management Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1064 |
Scientia Agriculturae
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1065 |
Scinzer Journal of Accounting and Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1066 |
Scinzer Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1067 |
Scinzer Journal of Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1068 |
Scinzer Journal of Humanities
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1069 |
Scinzer Journal of Medical
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1070 |
Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad FГsica y el Deporte
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1071 |
Asian Journal of Instruction
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1072 |
Anatolian Journal of Educational Leadership and Instruction
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1073 |
PoblaciГіn y Salud en MesoamГ©rica
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1074 |
e-Ciencias de la InformaciГіn
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1075 |
Engineering Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1076 |
Technological Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1077 |
Physical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1078 |
Nature Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1079 |
Ecological Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1080 |
Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1081 |
Sport Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1082 |
Veterinary Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1083 |
Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1084 |
Education Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1085 |
Vocational Education
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1086 |
Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1087 |
Humanities Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1088 |
Fine Arts
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1089 |
Qualitative Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1090 |
Advances in Chemistry and Biochemistry Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1091 |
Advances in Life Science and Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1092 |
Advances in Water Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1093 |
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1094 |
Cumhuriyet Гњniversitesi Д°lahiyat FakГјltesi Dergisi / Cumhuriyet University Journal of Faculty of Theology
pISSN 1304-9399
eISSN 1304-9399
Cumhuriyet Гњniversitesi Д°lahiyat FakГјltesi DekanlД±ДџД± /Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Theolog
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1095 |
Iqtishadia: Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah
pISSN 2354-7057
eISSN 2442-3076
Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam STAIN Pamekasan
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1096 |
International Journal of Research in Computer Science and Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1097 |
International Journal of Applied Research and Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1098 |
iJARS International Journal of Management and Corporate Affairs
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1099 |
iJARS International Journal of Economics and Commerce
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1100 |
iJARS International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1101 |
iJARS International Journal of Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1102 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1103 |
Tadris STAIN Pamekasan
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1104 |
IJRDO-Journal Of Applied Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1105 |
IJRDO-Journal Of Business Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1106 |
IJRDO-Journal Of Biological Science
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1107 |
IJRDO-Journal Of Agricultural And Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1108 |
Г‡eЕџm-i Cihan: Tarih - KГјltГјr ve Sanat AraЕџtД±rmalarД± e-Dergisi
eISSN 2149-5866
T.C. Bartın Üniversitesi Bartın ve Yöresi Tarih – Kültür Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araşt
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1109 |
International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1110 |
National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1111 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1112 |
International journal of community health and medical research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1113 |
International e-journal of Commerce and Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1114 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1115 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1116 |
Problems of mechanical engineering
pISSN 0131-2928
eISSN 2411-0779
A. N. Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1117 |
International Anatolia Academic Online Journal/ Social Sciences Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1118 |
International Anatolia Academic Online Journal/Sciences Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1119 |
International Anatolia Academic Online Journal/ Health Sciences Journal
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1120 |
INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1121 |
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1122 |
Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1123 |
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1124 |
Revista CIFE: Lecturas de EconomГa Social
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1125 |
Journal of European Social Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1126 |
International Journal of Current Research in Biology and Medicine
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1127 |
Latin American Journal of Business Management
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1128 |
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan
pISSN 0852-7172
eISSN 2461-064X
Institute for Research and Community Services (LP2M), State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semar
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1129 |
International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1130 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1131 |
Cuadernos de AntropologГa
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1132 |
Bulletin of Reviewer
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1133 |
The Journal of Soil Environment
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1134 |
Haya: The Saudi Journal of Life Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1135 |
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1136 |
Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1137 |
Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1138 |
bilimname: DГјЕџГјnce Platformu
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1139 |
Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1140 |
Etudes CaribГ©ennes
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1141 |
Journal of Medical and Surgical Research
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1142 |
Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1143 |
Anveshana’s International Journal Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1144 |
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1145 |
Research Nebula
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1146 |
Research Tracks
Evaluation not done by ESJI yet
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1147 |
Research Demagogue
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1148 |
Journal of Computer and Education Research
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1149 |
Journal of Addiction & Prevention
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1150 |
Journal of Andrology & Gynecology
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1151 |
Journal of Forensic Investigation
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1152 |
Computations and Materials in Civil Engineering
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1153 |
Journal of Obesity and Bariatrics
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1154 |
Journal of Orthopedics & Rheumatology
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1155 |
Journal of Urology & Nephrology
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1156 |
Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology
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1157 |
Journal of Ocular Biology
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1158 |
Journal of Neurology and Psychology
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1159 |
Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports
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1160 |
Journal of Surgery
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1161 |
Journal of Cardiobiology
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1162 |
International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences
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1163 |
Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research
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1164 |
International Journal of Information, Security, and Systems Management (IJISSM)
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1165 |
International Journal of Advanced Information in Engineering and Technology
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1166 |
International Journal of Advanced Information in Arts Science and Management
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1167 |
Acta Metallomica
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1168 |
European Journal of physics Education
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1169 |
Journal of European Education
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1170 |
REDINE, Red de InvestigaciГіn Educativa
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1171 |
KABILAH (Journal of Social Community)
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1172 |
Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology
pISSN 2277-1913
eISSN 2248-7498
Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development
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1173 |
HUMAN FALAH: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
pISSN 2407-7119
eISSN 2527-6646
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
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1174 |
Journal of Hematology & Thrombosis
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1175 |
Journal of Pediatrics & Child Care
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1176 |
Journal of Syndromes
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1177 |
Journal of Food Processing & Beverages
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1178 |
Journal of Environmental Studies
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1179 |
Journal of Plant Biology & Soil Health
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1180 |
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
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1181 |
Journal of Cancer Sciences
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1182 |
Journal of Nutrition & Health
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1183 |
Journal of Oral Biology
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1184 |
The Explorer: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Research
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1185 |
South Asian Journal of food technology and Environment
pISSN 2394-5168
eISSN 2454-6445
Society for World Environment, Food and Technology (SWEFT)
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1186 |
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research (IJAAER)
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1187 |
Research Ambition An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
pISSN 2456-0146
eISSN 2456-0146
Research Ambition An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
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1188 |
Research Inspiration An International multidisciplinary e journal
pISSN 2455-443X
eISSN 2455-443X
Research Inspiration An International multidisciplinary e journal
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1189 |
Journal of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease
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1190 |
Journal of Clinical and Investigative Dermatology
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1191 |
Journal of Plant Science and Research
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1192 |
Journal of Geriatrics and Palliative Care