Eurasian Scientific Journal Index

Total Indexed Journals: 7768
Web of Science 421
Scientific Object Identifier (SOI) 357
Scopus 364
DOI 3994


Selection Criteria

  Eurasian Scientific Journal Index is an international indexing service which provides indexing and citation calculation services to all fields of journals. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index follows comprehensive criteria for journal indexing and impact factor calculation on the following basis.   

Qualtiy of Publication

  • Citation Counts : The no. of articles cited for respective year of that journal.
  • Journal Discipline : Discipline of the journal.
  • Journals Estimated Importance and Relevance of the Research Field.
  • The journal's presence in various indexing services, directories and listings.
  • The main and important factor is journal publishing regularity.
  • Article Originality : It is the important factor for getting ISI Impact Factor. If Plagairism is detected in articles then the impact factor will be reduced.

Manuscript Quality 

  • Correct page numbers and spelling in the document.
  • Checking text and page numbers in table of contents.
  • Checking and Ensuring tables, figures, references, etc. cited in text
  • Checking lists, paragraphs, figures, etc., numbered or lettered consecutively.
  • Ensuring that there are no duplicate tables and figure titles
  • Checking hyperlinks to references.
  • Reviewing sentences for spelling and grammatical mistakes.
  • Checking style, size, and typeface for headings, titles, bullets etc.
  • Checking of Insertion of appropriate page breaks
  • Ensuring consistent justification for text, callouts, cautions, warnings etc.
  • Choosing correct size and layout of pages.
  • Ensuring consistent use of capitalization and spelling.
  • Applying proper numbering mechanics in the article.
  • Checking format for bibliographic references, i.e. according to any of Citation Style.
  • Using punctuation consistently.

Presentational Quality 

  • Journal website design. i.e. ease of use, ease of access, online submission, payment methods. In case of print only then quality of printed version of journal, regularity of article publishing, back issue viewing.
  • Degree of acceptance and presence of journal in the International and National market.
  • Management bodies for the journal governance - such as Editorial Board, Advisory Board, Executive Board, Article Review Team etc.
  • The International representation of research fellows in the Editorial Board boosts the score of the journal, and it creates a chance to further the journal's development.
  • Printing quality of journal Cover page [i.e. all the items should appear clearly: title, ISSN No. (Print / Online), frequency of the journal, current volume/issue/part number, month/year etc.]. And In case of print version, a hard copy should be sent for reviewing.
  • The important factor of editorial quality is the standard composition of presented article manuscripts and adherence to the journal's instructions for its authors. For example, the summary should count 200-250 words and have a structured form, i.e. standard structure of an article (background, material and methods used, results, conclusion).
  • References and Indices should be presented in proper sequencing order (as they are cited in the text). The first five authors should be presented.

Editorial Quality 

  • The journal should include detailed editorial and author guidelines information regarding manuscript preparation.
  • The journal editorial data ought to embrace a listing of Editorial Board members, editorial correspondence addresses, the name and address of the publisher, ISSN and frequency of article publishing (monthly, quarterly, bi annual, annual etc).
  • The language of publication: English is preferred.
  • Online Internet publication and its constant maintenance.